
The Kids’ Bulletins are a resource for Catholic kids who would like to have some fun while learning about the readings from the Sunday Mass every week. (Ordinary Form)  They are made by a mom in Canada who is happy to share them with anyone who can use them to help learn or teach about the truth and beauty of the Faith.

Feel free to use the puzzles and/or comics separately, but acknowledgement of the source would be appreciated.

A number of people have asked whether there is a Spanish version of The Kids’ Bulletin. I only speak English, so I can’t make puzzles in Spanish, but I would be happy to share my artwork with someone able to make versions of a children’s bulletin in other languages.

There is no cost to using and printing the bulletins, but if you would like to donate there is a “donate” button which uses PayPal, or you can just send an email to thekidsbulletin@gmail.com.

At the request of some subscribers there is now an option to pay a small monthly fee to access all of the following month’s bulletins. They are usually published on or around the 15th of the month.

I hope the Kids’ Bulletins help you to know, love and serve God better every day.

All for the glory of God!

176 responses to “About”

  1. Oh I am so happy to have stumbled across your site:) How lovely! I am homeschooling an ADHD/LD child in the US and these little gems will help reinforce Sunday Mass beautifully:)

    1. Glad to help! Pass it on to your friends too- and parishes are welcome to use the bulletins as well!

      1. Our Parish is interested in using your product, but we would like to clarify that there are no charges to download it and copy it. So far we have not seen any. Thank you

      2. Hi Nancy.
        There is no charge- this is a private voluntary enterprise for the sole purpose of educating children in the Faith.
        Thanks for asking!

      3. I’m wondering how the tagging system on the site works. I’m looking for a story about Saint Martha, but when I search saint names things are coming up.

        Thank you for all the work that you have done with this, it is amazing.

      4. Hi.
        I haven’t yet made a cartoon of St. Martha- we don’t know much about her other than what we read in the Gospel. Was there an event you would like to use one for?
        God bless!

      5. Hi there! I am also in Canada, Ontario. However, I would like to know if your material is posted a few days prior Sunday masses or after. This way I will know if we will be able to use your material since I am hoping to start a Sunday Children’s Liturgy in my church. Please be so kind to let me know.
        Thanks 🙂

      6. Hi Ana. Sorry for the delay- I didn’t see your comment. I usually publish the bulletin on the Wednesday (or now Tuesday or Monday) prior to the Sunday.

      7. Praise and thanks be to God and you for this precious gift of faith and love! I am going to use it at our Parish for weekly bulletins and want to use your resources for our Children Faith Formation classes as well. What a blessing you from God you are to us all! You will be in my prayers of gratitude and I would like to send you a donation. God bless you & your family.

      8. I just started working at this church and saw that they do not have that many kids, but i still wanted something for the kids that do come to church. I love that i came a cross this web site. I printed my first one out, I hope the church kids like it if they do I will print out more. Thank you.

    2. I love the Kids’ Bulletin and we plan to use it in our church. At what point in the week are the bulletins available to print for the following Sunday? I can’t seem to print more than one Sunday at a time.

      1. Hi Therese.
        I nearly always have the bulletin published on Wednesday mornings (mountain time!) for the following Sunday. If I’m able at some point I’ll try to have them ready a week or more in advance but time doesn’t allow that at present. 🙂

      2. Thanks a bunch! You’re doing a fine job. I certainly didn’t mean to suggest that you should work faster. Your work is a blessing to many, many children. Thank you, thank you! Blessings…Therese

    3. Anthony L Spalla Avatar
      Anthony L Spalla

      +J.M.J+ Hi! I teach CLOW and would like to use your next weeks bulletin when will it come out? God bless you all for your love for God and all His children:)

    4. Hello – What would you say is the proper age range for your materials?

      1. Hi Diane. Thank you for your question! I would think that the Bulletin is useful for children who are able to read (so around 5 or 6 years old) and older. I can’t really put an upper limit on it, since many adults have told me that they also enjoy the puzzles!

  2. These are terrific, but it would be much more helpful if they were posted as .pdf or .doc files for downloading and printing. Right now, as photos, they don’t print full-page unless I spend a ton of time cutting, pasting, and resizing, and I just don’t have time to do that. Are other people having this problem, or am I just missing something? Thanks!

    1. I struggled with this for a while also. I’ve found that this works wonderfully with very little effort:

      1. Open the bulletin and a Word document.
      2. Edit the Word document’s orientation to landscape and the margins to narrow.
      3. Go back to the bulletin and click on the first image. Once it is enlarged, right click and hit copy image.
      4. Go back to the Word document, right click, and hit paste.
      5. Print the Word document.
      6. Go back to the bulletin and click the right arrow to view the second image enlarged, then right click on it and hit copy image.
      7. Go back to the Word document, erase the previous image, then right click, and hit paste.
      8. Print the Word document.

      It may sound complicated, but it truly only takes a minute or less. Hope this helps! 🙂

      1. the inside page prints too far left so the left margin loses 2 letters all the way down. Can you change your set up to make it print to the right a little more?

  3. CatholicMumof4 Avatar

    What an God given awesome discovery! I have four kids ranging in ages and am just so thankful that I discovered your Catholic newsletters as I was googling information about Corpus Christi for Children’s Mass. Thankyou so much for your time & efforts. It is my prayer that our Parish continues to utilise this resources as we are leaving next week BUT I will take it along to my new Parish and prayfully do with it as God wills. May God continue to give you strength and the Holy Spirit guide you for many, many years to come. God bless.

  4. When do you post the new bulletins for downloading – all I keep seeing is the one for July 1st? I really like these – another parishioner told me about this service

  5. I’m so fortunate to stumble on your site now. This discovery will help me to teach my four to eight years old liturgical class in my parish better-there is virtually no resource material at the moment-So please I’ll like to know when new bulletin are posted. Thanks and God bless!

    1. Hi Joseph. I usually get the weekend’s bulletin posted the Thursday night before (in Canadian time!) I’m hoping eventually to have them up earlier, so keep checking.

  6. Hello Sisters!!! Just a genuine Thank You to you both…. I recently starting sharing the Liturgy of the Word for the Children’s Mass and this is JUST WHAT WE NEEDED!!!! The Children and I Thank You from the bottom of our hearts!!! ~HUGS~

  7. Hi there! Is there any way for the files to be made available in an editable format? We really like the work but want to personalize it for our parish – add our name, a few announcements for the children, that sort of thing.

    1. Hi David.
      I use an open source program to make the bulletins, so I don’t think the files are compatible with other programs. However, please feel free to do editing on the PDF or .jpg files. If you don’t need too much room for announcements and stuff, my recommendation would be to shrink what’s on the back page (maybe put a ‘box’ around it) and add your text at the bottom. But that’s just an idea. Good luck and God bless!

      1. Hi Sparky, Wondering if there was any way to get the upcoming Sunday files before Wednesday? My friend and I teach Religious Education on Wed. evenings and we go over the upcoming Sunday readings…thank you for all you do!!!

      2. Hi Julie.
        Working on it… 🙂

  8. Thank you so much for this awesome resource..I would like to credit the author when I use the contents of this newsletter…whom do I give credit to? (other than a lady in Canada!)

    1. Hi Michelle.
      You can just put “Reprinted with permission from http://www.thekidsbulletin.wordpress.com” or “Used with permission from http://www.thekidsbulletin.wordpress.com” if you like.
      Thanks for asking and God bless!

  9. Your bulletins are wonderful! They are so helpful in explaining the readings to my children. Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Thank you so very much for sharing… What a wealth of information and knowledge. I especially enjoy the saint segments. I teach first grade CCD for an hour and 15 minutes a week, and we are always in a rush. I copied some of the saints on tagboard and made a set of 5 for the children to share. Now we can learn a little about some of our great saints and it only takes a couple of minutes… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🙂 May God continue to bless you for all your generous time and work.

  11. Please send us an address, we would like to make a donation to the person who puts all the work into the Kid’s Bulletin each week. Thank you

  12. is there one place that I can access all the saints stories in comic fashion? also I am having trouble printing the older saints stories is there a way to do it?

    1. Hi Bonnie.
      At this point the comics are made just for the bulletin so the only way even I have access to them is by copying them from the bulletins. I’m not sure what advice to give you for the older ones- they’re all in .jpg format, which is pretty universal.

  13. How do we get future copies of the readings

    1. Hi Wanda.
      I usually get the bulletin done on Wednesday mornings, so the following Sunday’s will only be there the Wednesday prior. If you want to find the Mass readings for the upcoming Sunday you can find them on a number of websites- here’s one I sometimes use: http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/inspiration.asp
      God bless.

  14. Can you tell me how to get each weeks bulletin a week prior to the date so I have time to use it in children’s liturgy?

  15. Madeleine Porter Avatar
    Madeleine Porter

    I just found it and love it.
    I have a youth group that meets once a week.
    This is ideal.
    Thank you so much.

  16. How can I get your bulletin to print in landscape like a regular bulletin?
    Beautiful addition to our catechism classes!!!

  17. Finally found it! This will help us with the rest of Lent. Thanks. I really like your suggestions.

    This will take our learning & living to a whole new level!

  19. Love your work!!! Is there a possibility we can have it two weeks in advance so that families can prepare for the upcoming Sunday? This is a great tool to prepare kids for the upcoming Sunday at home and not during Mass.

    1. Hi Father.
      At this point I’m scrambling to get the painting and editing done before I go to work Wednesday mornings. Maybe if you pray really hard I could get a week ahead…

  20. Thank you so much for providing this free resource for all to use!! I am a homeschooling mom of 6, soon to be 7, and am using them in my 3rd grade Parish Catechism class. It is wonderful to have access to such a wonderful, up to date, resource! The work put into these are incredible. Thank you! Thank you!

  21. Harold Richard, Jr. Avatar
    Harold Richard, Jr.

    Can I get these in a PDF format to print a quality copy for the Kids. I am willing to pay to get these.

    1. There’s a PDF version under the image every week. I hope it’s showing up- it’s just a text link but you can click on it.

  22. I just happened on this site when I was searching for kids’ bulletins. I had gone to visit my sister and they had a children’s bulletin which the kids loved. I thought it would be great if our parish had one. I was going to make one, but when I found your site I was elated! Such a wonderful bulletin and free!! I have been printing and our priest has been distributing them after mass for the last month. The children love it! We can’t thank you enough. You are a special Angel.

  23. We love them here in St. George NB, Canada

    I was wondering if there was a little corner that could remind the children the importance of the sacraments – ie the Holy Eucharist being the center, source and summit of our faith – something that would each week draw their attention to the importance of attending Mass etc. – a constant reminder.

    Keep up the wonderful work!

  24. Good morning,
    Will you be posting anything for Ash Wednesday 2015?

    1. Hi Laura.
      No, I don’t have anything specifically for Ash Wednesday, the only thing I have ready is the Lenten calendar, the link to which is on last Sunday’s post.

  25. I just came across this site and I am thrilled! What a great resource! I have been looking for something like this for years. Thank you for making and sharing!

  26. Missy McKenzie Avatar
    Missy McKenzie

    What a wonderful ministry you have!! We just found you and are printing out some of the bulletins to have available for the kiddos this Palm Sunday at Mass. Thank you so much for taking the time to put these together – they’re fantastic!! God bless you!

  27. Tracy Sivak, DRE, St. Anthony of Padua, King George, VA Avatar
    Tracy Sivak, DRE, St. Anthony of Padua, King George, VA

    Once again, I just want to thank you for your great resource! I use these with the children in my RE program. The catechists and parents love having a way to reinforce the Gospel message, learn abut saints, and have fun! May God continue to bless you for your wonderful work!

  28. Hi there, really love these bulletins…it’s been circulating via Whatsapp among a few of our parishioners. Would like to include the bulletins in a monthly catholic magazine in our vicariate. Do let me know the formalities/permissions for the same. God bless you.

    1. Hi! The bulletins are meant to help kids learn and love the Faith, so please feel free to re-publish them. If you just want to mention that the magazine is using the bulletins with permission from http://www.thekidsbulletin.wordpress.com that would be fine!

  29. Hello – we are looking to create a “family page/children’s page” in our Sunday bulletin. How do we obtain permission to use some of your bulletins in this way? The bulletin is a free publication to the parishioners as well as to the parish. Thank you and God bless.

    1. Hi Marie.
      The Kids’ Bulletin is free to use as is or in part. If you could just note that it’s being used with permission from http://www.thekidsbulletin.wordpress.com that would be lovely.
      God bless!

  30. God bless your marriage! Thank you for your wonderful project for our children. May God grant you the time and resources to continue providing these.

    One helpful thing you could include in your bulletin would be the scripture references used that particular Sunday. I believe this would help Catholic kids become more fully aware that the readings are from the Bible and serve as a tool for them to look the readings up themselves – a worthwhile activity to encourage in children’s gatherings.

    Have a blessed and fruitful life in your new vocation!

  31. I love this bulletin! Thank you so much. Have you ever included a cartoon on the life of St. Martha?

    1. Hi Nicole.
      I haven’t yet done a cartoon of St. Martha, since we don’t really know anything about her other than what we read in the Gospel. Her feast is in July. Is there a particular event you wanted to use it for?
      God bless!

  32. Brighton Stefanyshyn Avatar
    Brighton Stefanyshyn

    Good Evening,
    i was given this website for bulletins for our kids in St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Church and we follow the Byzantine (the old calendar) is it possible for someone to create one for the Byzantine ??

  33. I love your page!! I work for a Church/School in Fort Smith, Arkansas and I am always looking for a way to evangelize the different groups in our parish!

    Thank you so much for sharing your work with all of us!

    God bless you!

  34. Thanks and God Bless you for your hard work producing these wonderful resources. We are using the Lenten Calendar for our Youth Group 3in1@CTK at Christ The King, Thornbury, UK.


  35. Hi…It looks very interesting and I’m sure the kids under 12 at church will enjoy it.
    Could you please let me know if I can print out these sheets for alteast 8 to 10 weeks in advance.say from Oct to Dec 16.

  36. Thank you very much for this creative resource.
    God bless your noble and generous ministry.

  37. These are so great! My daughter and I love working through these together. This a such a great resource! God bless you for sharing your talents free of charge! I have posted a link to your website on my website (freetruth.ca), which is a database of free Catholic resources. If you would rather I not do this, please let me know and I’ll remove the link. Thank you for all your hard work in creating these!

    1. Thank you, Jocelyne! I’m glad you are finding the bulletins helpful! And thank you for sharing the link. I’m always happy to know that more people are able to make use of the kids’ bulletins.
      God bless!

  38. please could I have the link to the children’s Lenten calendars – 4 page – ie 2 dbl sided in color – cannot find it at this moment … THANK YOU!!

    1. Hi Sherryl!

      Here’s the link to the post with the Lent calendar from last year. I’ll be reposting it soon as well. https://thekidsbulletin.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/the-kids-bulletin-for-sunday-february-7th-2016/

      God bless!

  39. When is the upcoming weekend bulletin posted?

    1. Hi Cathie.
      I usually have them published on Tuesdays- it’s going to be a bit late today as I’ve got a busy schedule.
      God bless!

  40. Thank you so much for sharing these bulletins! They are beautiful and well made! God Bless! I will use the with our Parish here in Mamaroneck, NY.

  41. Hello ,iam coordinator for religious ed at our church ,love the kids bulletin ,i have question on a contact # to call need to know if i can order for the year and how much it would cost or is it just a download .please email me
    Thank you so much

    1. Hi Mary.
      The Kids’ Bulletin is a free resource, so there is no cost. I publish the bulletin for each Sunday the week prior (usually on Tuesdays.) The easiest way to get the bulletin every week is to subscribe on the blog with your email address, and an email will be sent every time a bulletin is published. And of course you can unsubscribe at any time with the link in the emails you get.
      God bless!

  42. Godeliva Rodrigues e Gomes Avatar
    Godeliva Rodrigues e Gomes

    hi I’m, Godeliva Rodrigues e Gomes from Goa, India.
    I have no words to express my joy on finding these flyers on spirituality. My 9 yr old boy, Jonas enjoys them and I become a child myself to read it and brush my faith. I get them from a Don Bosco priest. I decided to what’s app them to as many as 66 parents. Thank you very much. and we all love and are spiritually growing with our children. wishes from all of us. Stay blessed.

  43. Hello My name is Julia and I am the coordinator our our parishes Catechism program. We have enjoyed your kid’s bulletin for the past year and want to thank you so much for this great resource.

    I also have a request, we are in the process of updating our church website and would love to add the link to the kid’s bulletin for our parents and visitors. Please advise if this is possible.

    thank you

    1. Hi Julia.
      I’m glad that the Kids’ Bulletin has been helpful for your parish! Please feel free to share a link to the website! Thank you for asking!
      God Bless!

      1. Awesome thank you so much

  44. Hi =)
    Is there a way I can connect your website directly to our website. We also want to have our parishioners have access through your wonderful bulletins online.
    Thank you =)

    1. Hi Angelina.
      Sorry for the delay! You should be able to use the web address for a link, http://www.thekidsbulletin.wordpress.com There are ways of embedding a link but I’m not terribly tech-savvy so I’m afraid I’m not much help there.
      Thank you for asking though, and all the best!
      God bless!

  45. I saw your Kids’ Bulletin while attending a burial mass of my aunt who passed away at the Star of the Sea Parish in Surrey, BC. I was very much impressed with it. I would think it is a very good material to have at our Holy Family Church in Artesia, California to help in evangelizing the children of our parishioners. I am actually preparing to present it at our Pastoral Council meeting to make it available to the children on Sunday mass. How could I access this bulletin and print it for distribution.

    1. Thanks for asking! The bulletin is published usually on the Tuesday before the Sunday it is for. You can find it at http://www.thekidsbulletin.com , where there are .jpg and .pdf versions you can print off. To get a notice as soon as a new bulletin is posted you can subscribe to the blog with an email address.
      God bless!

  46. Hi there! I’m trying to get my son ready for his 1st communion and I’m wondering if you would have anything I could use (Pdf files or Word files) to give him cathechism.
    Any help is much appreciated


    1. Hi Ges!
      Thanks for your inquiry. I don’t have anything specific for first Holy Communion, although you could find bulletins about the Holy Eucharist by googling “the kids bulletin” “Holy Communion” or the like. The best book I know of for First Communion preparation is the Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism for First Communion ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/0899422403/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdb_t1_.dxLAbWM7XF9F ) but if you’re looking for printable stuff you might find some good things here: https://www.saintanneshelper.com/first-communion.html
      I haven’t explored it thoroughly but it appears to have some good content!

      All the best in preparing your son to receive Our Lord!
      God bless!


  48. I just love The Kids’ Bulletin….so much! I use it at every class session. It teaches just enough for the time we have in CCD. Also, the kids love the puzzles and activities suggested. Keep up the good work. I just made a donation and will again.
    God Bless You! Madeleine & Jim Porter, St. Anthony’s Church, Pawtucket, RI

  49. sr beverley lawton Avatar
    sr beverley lawton

    thank you so very much. these are most helpful…

  50. Hello. I have been using your bulletin for a few years now, in my grade 5 class, and my students look forward to it each week. I usually give it to them on Friday mornings, and if I forget, they remind me before lunchtime, so that I can print it off and make copies over the lunch hour. I also put copies out at my church, and the children there enjoy it too.
    Thank you for all of the work that you put into creating these bulletins.

    I would like to make a donation, but I prefer to do it the “old-fashioned” way, by mailing you a cheque. Is there some way that I could get your mailing address?

    Thank you, and God bless.

    Lisa Reitzel

    Kitchener Ontario

  51. I teach Second Grade in Yuma Arizona, but would love to share your bulletin with my students. It is wonderful! Is there any way that I could get it a week before the Sunday Gospel it is presenting? I noticed on the sight it only has for the coming Sunday. I want to send it with my students to share with their families the week before, but I would need it a little earlier. Thanks so much!

  52. Richelle Benson Avatar
    Richelle Benson

    Beautiful! Will you be creating anything for the Extraordinary Form of the mass? It would be great to see it.

  53. Thank you very much for sharing your time, talent and treasure through this wonderful resource, The Kid’s Bulletin. I am using it in my Religious Ed class, and is truly helpful. God bless you in all the things that you do! Aloha e!

  54. I am an elementary Catholic school teacher and use your Kid’s Bulletin EVERY week! The students (and not fellow teachers) look forward to reading, discussing, and completing the activities. Thank you for sharing your gifts with others! You are helping share the good news to so many! May God continue to Bless You!

  55. Thank you for all the resources.

  56. Christina McGrath Avatar
    Christina McGrath

    Thank you for these weekly Kids Bulletin–they are perfect for our parish. So many thanks! May God bless you greatly!

  57. I have just stumbled across your site and I love it. I run a Sunday School in the Channel Islands and I am delighted to find such a lovely resource. Thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing these bulletins.

  58. I just came across your site today. It’s a great tool! Thank you for your efforts!!!
    I would love to use your kids bulletin in our bulletin and reference it. However, we have to submit our bulletin for review and then printing about a week ahead. Is there a chance I can get it that early?? If not I truly understand and glad that it is here as a resource for everyone.

    1. Hi Lauren. Sorry for the delay in replying- I’m a busy mom. 🙂 I’m going to be getting ahead with the bulletins this month as I’m going to be away in August, so I’ll try to have them ready early starting in a few weeks.

  59. Thank you so so much for sharing this resource!

  60. Christine Czochara Avatar
    Christine Czochara

    I just wanted to give you many thanks for making this mission happen. I am so happy to have found this to get my children involved with church mass. I pray for many blessings for you and your family 🙂 God Bless you!

  61. I just ran across your site and I am wondering what is the lead time for publishing the weekly bulletin. I would like to use them during Children’s Liturgy of the Word in my new parish. Our volunteers would need the bulletin about a week in advance. This is so wonderful. Thank you so much. God’s blessings.

    1. Hi Kathy. Thanks for asking! I usually get the bulletin done the Monday prior to the Sunday. I hope that’s enough time!
      God bless you!

  62. I am very appreciative of your kids’ bulletins. I use them with my 10-year-old who has ASD. They have helped us get through Mass, especially the homily. Thanks again and Merry Christmas.

  63. Hi! I am the youth representative of my Parish Council in New Brunswick,Canada! Our region has an older demographic, and getting younger families to church is becoming increasingly difficult. I greatly appreciate your creation of this bulletin as something special for the youth! God bless you!

    1. Thank you, Lexy! I’m always glad to hear that the Bulletin is a help for a parish!

  64. I have an issue with the bulletin for 16 Feb 2020.

    The Bible NEVER says *dont get angry*. It says, Be ye angry, but sin not. Please dont post distortions for little minds to absorb. I send these bulletins once/month to my grandkids. First time I have had to edit one of your bulletins. I will be doing so more closely from now on. Bring out the Sharpie.

    1. Catholic Study Bible

      Matthew 5:22

      22 But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; whoever insultshis brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says, ‘ You fool!’ shall be liable to the hellof fire.

  65. Tracey Francesconi Avatar
    Tracey Francesconi

    Thank you

  66. Thank you so much for all these wonderful resources. They are just perfect for all my religion classes. So much appreciated. God Bless.

  67. Saint Cristobal was born in 1867, not 1915. He was shot in 1927.

  68. I am so grateful for your bulletin for kidz! Especially during this COVID pandemic we aren’t able to have our Sunday School Classes, but your bulletins are god-sent! Mahalo so much for your kind generosity and care for all. God bless you & your ohana (family)!

  69. This is a lovely resource! Thank you for your work!
    Can your bulletins be put on our Church website for parish children to use at home?

    1. Hi Lori. Thanks for your inquiry. Please feel free to share the Kids’ Bulletin on your parish website.
      God bless!

  70. These kids bulletins are wonderful. Do you have a Hispanic version?

    1. Hi Mary. Thanks for your inquiry. I don’t have any versions of the Kids’ Bulletin other than this English one, but if someone were interested and able to produce them in other languages I’d be very happy to share the illustrations.

  71. Thank you so much for the work you do! I have been trying to come up with a similiar idea for our parish’s families as we navigate this time of together but apart for so many. Finding this today helped so much and it made it so much nicer to offer this for our families. I hope it reaches many who are isolated at this time.

  72. Bernadette Myers Avatar
    Bernadette Myers

    If we paid for a subscription, is there a way to receive a month at a time? Our Religious ed program only meets twice a month in person and would love to send this home for them to prepare for Mass.

  73. bernadettemyers Avatar

    Thank you for this beautiful resource! If we paid for a subscription, would we be able to get a month at a time? Our Religious Ed program only meets twice a month in person.

    1. Bernadettemyers if you go to the Early Access button you can pay for early access to the bulletins. I just paid for the subscription since I teach Religious Ed as well and it’s great to give these out to my students since I teach by Liturgical Year vs. front to back of out workbooks. You can print out the whole month. So convenient.

  74. Our regional parishes love these, but do you offer them in Spanish, too? If yes, please provide the link so I can get this resource to all of the kids.

    1. Hi Carrie. Thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately The Kids’ Bulletin is only in English at this time. If someone was able to make a Spanish version I would be happy to share the artwork.

      1. I wish I knew Spanish well enough to develop them. Thank you anyway!

  75. Elizabeth Chinery Avatar
    Elizabeth Chinery

    Hello! Thank you so much for this. By any chance, do you also have it in Spanish?

    1. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately The Kids’ Bulletin is only in English at this time. If someone was able to make a Spanish version I would be happy to share the artwork.

  76. Hi How do these kids bulletin fall under copyright laws? Are we allowed to share in parish bulletins?

    1. Hi Mary.
      Thank you for asking! The Kids Bulletins don’t have an official copyright, and you are welcome to use the entire Bulletin, or parts of it, in parish bulletins or websites. Acknowledgement of the source would be appreciated!

  77. Is the Kids bulletin available in Spanish, parishioners are inquiring,

    1. Sorry for the delay. I don’t speak Spanish, but I’d be happy to share my artwork with someone who could make similar puzzles in Spanish!

  78. Do you have the weekly kids bulletin in Spanis?

    1. Thanks for inquiring, but no- I only speak English. If there is a Spanish speaking person who is able to translate and/or make puzzles in Spanish I’d be happy to share my artwork.

  79. This is such a great resource! I looked for something like this a few years ago and was unsuccessful. So happy I found your site! Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! I’m glad you found The Kids’ Bulletin and I hope it is a blessing to the children in your life!

  80. I cant seem to access the $5 a month option to subscribe for early access. I click on the $5 option and it only shows up as $60/year option. May you direct me on the how to access the $5 option?

    1. Hi there! Thanks for pointing this out! It was a mistake on my part. It should be corrected now. If you have any other problems please let me know!
      God bless and merry Christmas!

  81. These bulletins are BEAUTIFUL, faithful and fruitful. We print them weekly – oftentimes I am amazed at the artwork. Just a suggestion – if you were to offer the images for sale, it might help support your site, especially your drawings of Jesus (and Divine Mercy). Your saints pages are the BEST – this would make a great comic book for parishes/gifts etc. I would be a customer! Have a joyful day and thank you for this gift of time and faith.

  82. Next time I’ll read the whole front page before I say anything! Great job on the Kids Bulletin!!

  83. Our Church is very interested in using the kids bulletins for the children of our Parish. I read about a monthly subscription, but I did not see any information on how to sign up for that. Would you please send me the information on how I can subscribe? Thanks so much. Be safe and stay well.

    1. Thank you, Julie.
      The bulletins are posted every Monday prior to the Sunday, so you can simply subscribe if you’d like to be notified by email. If you want to sign up for the paid subscription and get access to all the bulletins before the beginning of the month you can use the “Early Access” option: https://thekidsbulletin.com/early-access/
      God bless!

  84. Do you have the Kids Bulletins for the 3rd Sunday of Lent for Cycle A available? Our parish has Catechumens receiving their sacraments at the Easter Vigil so are using Cycle A for the last three Sundays of Lent. Thank you.

    1. Hi Gloria.
      Thank you for your question. I don’t have specific bulletins for those Sundays with the cycle A readings, but if you want the puzzles for those readings you should be able to find them in the archives from a year when it was cycle A: https://thekidsbulletin.com/2020/03/ I hope this helps!

  85. Ann-Louise Revells Avatar
    Ann-Louise Revells

    I was sharing your bulletin with the children in my Children’s liturgy class long before COVID hit and we had to cancel those sessions. I love your work, and I congratulate you for giving your “Yes” to the Lord for allowing such wonderful work to be shared through your talents.
    I am temporarily filling the role of Office Assistant in my church and very recently added the Kids’ Bulletin to our newsletter for families to do together, since we haven’t been holding our classes. Since you offer your work free of charge (thank you for this, as we are a struggling parish) I did it before asking you for your approval. I do apologize for this. I know your interest is in giving Catholic kids a way to grow in their faith in a fun way. I have already received very positive comments about sharing this wonderful resource. I will continue to ensure that you are given credit so that our parishioners can go to your website to see the other fantastic offerings you give for the development of the faith. I am happy to make a donation, personally, to your work.

  86. I am absolutely blown away by this resource! I am here in Hamilton Ontario Canada and looking for ways to re-invigorate our Children’s Liturgy following COVID – this will help greatly! Thank you for doing this – is there a way that we could donate to help differ the costs of what you are doing? Keep up the wonderful work!

  87. I happen to chance on your site and am so glad I did! there are so few Catholic sites for kids, love how you do the bulletins! keep ’em coming! my nephew and niece understand the Scriptures so much better! God bless.

  88. Julie Leonelli Avatar
    Julie Leonelli

    Hello, I’m sorry if you’ve had to answer the same question before. If I buy a subscription, the bulletins for the following month come out on or about the 15th of the previous month? Otherwise, when does each weekend’s bulletin come out?

    1. Sorry for the delay- I didn’t see your comment until now! The Bulletins are usually published on the Early Access (subscription) page around the 15th of the previous month; otherwise they are posted on the Monday before the applicable Sunday.

  89. Hi I would like to put the kids bulletin in my parish bulletin . What is the cost and how do I do it thanks

    1. Hi Adrienne. Sorry for the delay. The Kids’ Bulletin is free to print and use for your parish! Just download the files and print or add it to your parish bulletin.

  90. Good morning.
    I did not receive the august 7 bulletin yesterday as I usually do.
    Just wondering. Thank you for all your beautiful work.
    Karen tarmey.

  91. I am the Church Manager at St. Ann’s in Yonkers. I will be on vacation next week. Is there any way that the September 11th Kids’ Bulletin can be emailed to me so that I can print it out in advance for the Ushers & Greeters next week? TIA

  92. I love this resource! I am starting a childrens liturgy at my parish and would love to use this resource!

    Are you still active? These comments look really old 😁 – I just want to make sure you’re still actively creating and publishing a month before for subscribers.

    I’d be so excited to support your work and plan for the month ahead!!

    1. Hi Michaela. Thanks for your comment, and yes! The
      Kids’ Bulletin is still being actively produced. The early access usually becomes available on or around d the 15th of the month prior.

  93. I’m am a CCE teacher for our church my Dr E said I can find worksheets for the student on the gospel and other stuff I sighs up and I can get to print I saw that it said donated I don’t mind I can donate but why doesn’t it let me print this is new to me

    1. Hi Connie. You don’t need to donate to use The Kids’ Bulletin. You should be able to copy and print the .jpg version or download and print the PDF file.

  94. What is the small monthly fee to access all the following month’s bulletins?? And how do I pay it?
    I am going on vacation and would love to print the January 29 Kids’ Bulletin before I leave on January 19.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Tammy.
      Thank you for asking! Its $5/month, and you should be able to find the info by selecting the “Early Access” tab at the top of this website. Hope this answers your questions!
      God bless!

  95. Grace De Marchi Avatar
    Grace De Marchi

    Hello Rosie!

    Just your cousin Gracie letting you know what a wonderful resource your bulletins are (: Little Adrian and Eva are really learning a lot from them. Hope all is well – we are praying for Gordie.


    Cousin Gracie

  96. I stumbled across your site while searching for activities for kids to do during Mass. I love the creativity and the brief messages that explain the Bible or Gospel easy for kids to understand. And I mentioned your site to the person who’s in charge of doing the parish bulletin. Thank you so much for giving us access for FREE. May God bless you and your family always and please continue to be the instrument of God’s words.

  97. Becky Dunneback Avatar
    Becky Dunneback

    I have been receiving the buttering for two years but all of a sudden I am not receiving the weekly bulletin. Do I need to re submit my email?

    1. Hi! Sorry for the delay. The Bulletin has now been posted, so you should have received your email!

  98. Virginia Kuepper Avatar
    Virginia Kuepper

    Hello, I enjoy sharing your weekly bulletins with the children of our parish each week. Usually I can access the coming Sunday’s bulletin on Tuesdays, but not so this week. Is there a bulletin coming for July 2, 2023, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time? Thank you, Virginia

    1. Sorry for the delay. The Bulletin is now posted and you should have received your email! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

  99. Maxyne Bohémier Avatar
    Maxyne Bohémier

    I appreciate The Kids’Bulletin, and I suggest the readings for the Sunday, at least the Gospel, be printed on the cover. It would help us catechists to reference and find other commentaries. Example for Aug. 27, 2023: Isa 22:19-23, Ps 137, Rom 11:33-36 and especially Mt 16: 13-20. Thank you!

    1. Hi Maxyne.
      I have done this in the past, but I guess I forgot. I won’t be re-editing this coming month’s bulletins, but I’ll try to remember for future ones. In the meantime, I find the USCCB calendar very helpful for finding the Sunday readings. https://bible.usccb.org/readings/calendar

      1. Maxyne Bohémier Avatar
        Maxyne Bohémier

        Thanks for responding, Sparky! I appreciate your desire to try to remember to include the Biblical references.
        I encourage you to gently push yourself to do more than “try.” Perhaps a written note in your calendar will help. I look forward, as always, to reading the Kids Bulletin.
        Hubby does, too!

  100. Hey sparky. I love your bulletins and use it for my nieces and nephews for them to use. Are they going to come out soon?

  101. directorstmarysreled440 Avatar

    I signed up for Early Access. I am trying to access Oct 22 bulletin, but it is not showing up. Am I missing something? Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi there!
      A few people have had issues this week with logging in to the Early Access pages, so I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ll send you an email with the links for this month anyway, while I try to sort it out.

  102. wburke19a2b8f945 Avatar

    I’ve paid the $60 to get Early Access for two years now. I don’t seem to be able to bring it up now though. Never had a problem before. Any ideas?

    1. Hi there. I’m not sure what’s going on. I haven’t changed anything but I suspect WordPress has, since quite a few people are having the same problem. I managed to get through on my own computer by allowing cookies, but other people haven’t had success with that. I’ll email you the PDF’s for November anyway. So sorry for the trouble!

  103. Hi Sparky,
    I’m in the same boat as some of the above people who have recently posted – our church pays for Early Access and have had no previous problems, except there doesn’t seem to be a link to November’s Early Access pages except the first Kids Bulletin. Would you please send us the November pdfs as well, and hopefully the link will be sorted out in time for December. Thank you for your help.

  104. Advent Greetings. I would like to share my versions of Kids’ Bulletin with you, via email. I use your front page and your explanation page, but I create my own pages that have 1) the Gospel for that Sunday (replacing the featured saint); 2) A brief Catechism Corner that I write myself (replacing the Wordsearch). I would love to share these with you via email, and if you want to use them, I am happy to send all of my saved content for the Catechism Corner (about 20 different fundamentals, but also features like St. Nicholas, St. Patrick). Laura Graham, (St. Philip Neri parish, Maryland, USA).

  105. Hello. Recently the copy of the bulletin was shared in my church and I wanted to say how disturbed I was of the image of blood spraying from Christ’s body onto children. This is an extremely violent representation that is not necessary. My two small children were very frightened and did not understand the intended symbolism. Please do better. I will not let my children receive this again.

  106. Hello,
    I am the bulletin editor at St Thomas. Can I get permission to put your kids bulletin in our parish bulletin?

    1. Yes! Please, go ahead!

  107. Ylandia A Cruz Avatar
    Ylandia A Cruz


    1. Hi Ylandia. No, I don’t speak Spanish and I haven’t found anyone yet who has the time and resources to translate The Kids’ Bulletin into Spanish.

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